Hello Everyone!!
How many projects do you have going that are not completed? I must have at least five right in front of me right now! Right now I can see a small blue beaded necklace, two chain maille designs, and beads arranged but not started yet.
Probably everyone out there works in a different way, but my method has some organization (and of course some madness too!). I have creative ADD, and I mean that sincerely. I start one project, and then I am off on another "tangent" when I see one bead, or finding I "need" to use right away. I seem to go through life this way, but one passion of mine is still hand-made things, especially jewelry. Are any of you like this too? Or are you a one-project at a time person? Chime in, I would love to hear about what your work area looks like!!
Take care, and as always...Happy Beading!
Join the Doxie Parade... ~;::::::::;()">
I always have a bunch going at once. Usually if I get stuck, I move on to another project. I need to finish them up!